new KR2i TFF(Cross flow) System®

Tangential Flow Filtration System with Automated Process Controls and Data Collection Software for R&D Scale Bioprocessing 全自動濃縮與分離系統是小規模研發到先導型生產階段的理想選擇,整套系統能符合FDA/GMP/cGMP法規確效(Validation)相關要求。樣品處理量為1 ml - 10 L,根據實驗數值能直接從小體積放大到量產等級。此系統提供6種自動化過程控制,搭配數位壓力監測器和背壓調節閥,能收集訊號並傳至蠕動幫浦,自動演算出TMP值並進行調控,使條件從頭到尾維持一致性,也提供過壓警報和安全停機功能,有助於維持膜的完整性,提高膜的使用壽命。藉由KF Comm 資料擷取軟體,可將數據傳至電腦紀錄,即時紀錄實驗。此系統還搭配天秤(Permeate Scales)、快速接頭、可調式支架與固定夾等實驗所需配件,無須擔憂系統銜接架設問題,能提供最高效率、高再現性的切向流過濾實驗。

    Standard RC Dry Dialysis Tubing & Trial Kits

    Standard RC Dry Dialysis Tubing & Trial Kits

    Standard Grade Regenerated Cellulose (RC) membrane 為透明、富有彈性的透析袋;擁有極高的化學耐受性,可承受低濃度的強酸強鹼溶液、高濃度的弱酸弱鹼溶液、多數醇類和稀釋的有機溶劑 (ex:DMSO),並可在承受 4-121 °C 和 pH 2-12 的環境下進行實驗;適用於將分子量差異大的樣品進行分離實驗,包含樣品製備、去除鹽類、置換緩衝溶液、調整pH值與蛋白質純化等。

    Standard RC Pre-wetted Dialysis Tubing & Trial kits

    Standard RC Pre-wetted Dialysis Tubing & Trial kits

    Spectra/Por 6和7預潤濕型透析袋,只需泡水去除sodium azide即可使用;7號比6號的重金屬與硫化物含量更低;兩者皆有經濟包組(含透析夾)供條件測試與小量使用。

    微量型 MAP.03-plus TFF System (2 ~ 1000 mL)

    微量型 MAP.03-plus TFF System (2 ~ 1000 mL)

    自動化小型切向流過濾系統,小量處理過濾、濃縮、透析、純化;蠕動幫浦為2-200 ml/min流量並可設定自動定時停機,或搭配重量停機秤使用;可輕便攜帶與搬運至無菌操作台或冰箱中使用;全系統可x-ray處理達密閉無菌。是小規模研發測試階段的最佳選擇。

    量產cGMP型 KrosFlo® KMPi TFF System (100 mL ~ 500 L)

    量產cGMP型 KrosFlo® KMPi TFF System (100 mL ~ 500 L)

    Designed for 100mL - 500L purification applications, the KrosFlo® KMPi TFF System from Repligen is designed for robust pilot-scale downstream ultrafiltration and microfiltration. Fully integrated and ready to use out of the box, the KMPi provides consistent and accurate flow rates with a range of 0.01 to 13.0 LPM.

    蠕動幫浦專用矽膠管 Silicon Tubing

    蠕動幫浦專用矽膠管 Silicon Tubing

    蠕動幫浦專用矽膠管,由於矽膠的延展性、耐拉扯、耐機械摩擦以及半透明的等等特性,廣泛被使用於製藥界已有數十年以上的歷史。 矽膠管製作方式為經由矽膠聚合物擠壓出,經交聯反應,最後進行固化處理。 而固化處理上,則有分以鉑催化添加聚合(Platinum Curing)與過氧化物啟動的自由基聚合(Peroxide Curing)二種方式。 採用經由過氧化物啟動的自由基聚合(Peroxide Curing)方式固化的矽膠管,有副產物的產生,這些副產物往往是揮發性有機酸,而此副產物可藉由高溫固化方法來去除。另一種經由鉑催化添加聚合(Platinum Curing)固化方式,以此方式固化處理則無副產物產生的問題。 因為有副產物與毒性殘留的疑慮,醫療界多採用鉑催化添加聚合(Platinum Curing)固化之吸膠管。除此之外,它尚有透明度與延展性較佳的優點。而泛用型則多採用過氧化固化(Peroxide Curing)處理的矽膠管,由於其機械性較佳,適合如蠕動幫浦的應用,價格上也比較優。

    快速切向流深層過濾器 TFDF® for volumes of 1-2000L

    快速切向流深層過濾器 TFDF® for volumes of 1-2000L

    ​Novel High Flux Single-use Filtration for Fed Batch Clarification that enables 1000 LMH. TFDF ® = tangential flow (TF) + depth filtration (DF) TFDF® 是一款專門針對高細胞密度產物及高細胞裂解細碎雜質澄清/粗濾/過濾而設計的快速切向流深層過濾器~ 一次性使用,提供從研發1 L 到量產規模化 2000 L的工作量範圍

    Optimum growth flask

    Optimum growth flask

    Optimum growth flask錐形培養瓶首創瓶口與瓶身加大、瓶頸加寬,底部淺凹槽擋板設計增加攪拌率但低剪切力以提升氣體交換率與培養量,搭配旋蓋式0.22 um透氣濾網,更安全、氣體交換率更高。



    An integrated, easy-to-use, and cost-effective technology platform for the rapid handling and growth of large numbers of microbial strains, clonal libraries, mutant banks, and cell lines in 6, 24 or 96-well microtiter plates.The system enables a single person to grow and test thousands of strains simultaneously with a minimum of repetitive handlings: all handling is performed in parallel for sets of 6, 24 or 96 strains.More efficient use of your current orbital shaker: time savings up to a factor 10 possible.The Micro-Flask system consists of a specialized microtiter plate closures (“sandwich covers”) and clamps to hold the closures in place. Micro-Flasks are designed to provide a headspace refreshment rate of 1-2 working volumes per minute in orbial shakers, permitting oxygen concentrations of at least 18% (v/v), even when oxygen uptake rates are as high as 40 mmol O2 L-1 h-1. Evaporation at these conditions is kept at a minimum (as low as 2% per day), which permits culture times that are weeks long.The sandwich covers consist of sterilizable, re-usable layers that provide a positive seal on each well of the plate (thus preventing cross-contamination and eliminating well-to-well variability), promote gas transfer, slow evaporation, and prevent contamination.

    Ultra yield™ flask

    Ultra yield™ flask

    Ultra Yield Flask錐形培養瓶首創瓶口與瓶身加大、瓶頸加寬,底部凹槽擋板設計以提升溶氧量與培養量;PP材質可重複高溫滅菌使用;搭配貼片式或旋蓋式0.22 um透氣濾網,更安全、氣體交換率更高。







    Minifors 2

    Minifors 2

    INFORS HT Minifors 2為一體成型之桌上型生物反應器(bioreactor),1.5, 3, 6L槽體可選擇,是進入量產規模的前導機型;玻璃槽體連接旁邊血清瓶整架高溫高壓滅菌;數位式pH與DO感應器無需校正;觸控式操作面板直接選擇並執行各種培養模式;USB存取資料分析數據。

